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25 October 2012

Fall Baking

Happy fall everyone!  This week has been such a beautiful week, and the weather has been perfect!  My favorite part of this time of the year is seeing the leaves change colors, and then fall on the ground layering on top of each other to create a red, orange,and yellow blanket on the ground.  This change of season inspired the look for the cupcakes I made.  The cupcake is a yellow cake with a buttercream frosting.  On top of the cupcakes I sprinkled leaf like sprinkles in colors that represented fall!  Fall is one of my favorite times of year, and I plan on “Baking Each Day of Fall Better!” 


1 comment:

  1. These look great! Too bad you aren't in Atlanta, I would be hiring you to do Haley's Birthday Cupcakes!!

